When Will america Take Down The Statue Of Liberty?
(too old to reply)
2018-06-16 18:24:11 UTC
If America, for the most part, agrees with President Trump, why not tear
down the Statue of Liberty?
I suppose you'd like to see it replaced by a statue of Harvey Milk in a Lady
Liberty pose, wearing leather ass chaps and a butt plug, holding up a giant
tube of K-Y...
Mr. B1ack
2018-06-16 20:06:26 UTC
Post by Byker
If America, for the most part, agrees with President Trump, why not tear
down the Statue of Liberty?
I suppose you'd like to see it replaced by a statue of Harvey Milk in a Lady
Liberty pose, wearing leather ass chaps and a butt plug, holding up a giant
tube of K-Y...
HaHaHaHa !!!! Yep ... I bet that's exactly what he'd like !
It'd be good to add an MS-13 tattoo on the ass as well since
the lefties love 'em so much now :-)

As for Trump ... he has absolutely nothing against immigration,
so long as it's done kinda right. The commieflakes try SO hard
to make him look like some kind of NAZI ... but they're stretching
SO far that it makes THEM look like idiots.

Well, they can suck it ... Trump is becoming more and more
popular, more and more influential. The GOP has become
the MAGA party again at last and even many moderates are
seeing a major gap between what the FlakeNews says about
Trump and what THEY see.

And in 2024 ... Nikki Haley !!!
